Amidst the fires of a mighty forge, a new craftsman toils.For fifteen years, the enigmatic figure known as B.S. Warren has labored in secret. Seeking to master the written word, he has studied at the feet of ancient, arcane masters, striving to learn their ways while developing techniques of his own. A thousand times, he has forged new universes, each one more intriguing and spectacular than the last, and a thousand times, he has sought to improve even further.His skill has become unfathomable. His stamina knows no limit. His passion rivals the fury of the stars.Now, at the dawn of an Iron Age in entertainment, B.S. Warren raises his hammer to create the fantastic stories and magnificent new worlds you deserve to see.APPROACH, SEEKERS OF ADVENTURE. BEAR WITNESS.
Tenets of the forge
Akin to the code of ethics
As the blacksmith of worlds, B.S. Warren has an unielding responsibility to his work and its readers.
He pledges to uphold these Tenets and always strive to craft stories worthy of your gaze.I, being B.S. Warren, the Blacksmith of worlds
The work, my work, being that which the Blacksmith's hand creates
Seekers [of adventure], you, being those who read B.S. Warren's workThe story is paramount.I will never publish WORK in pursuit of material gain, notoriety, or accolades. I will never attempt to force narratives, propaganda, or ideologies upon you. I will only seek to entertain, inspire, amaze, and astonish.There will be no surrender.I am a custodian as well as a creator. I will never relinquish control of, "sell out," or otherwise compromise the integrity of my work. Even in death, I swear to protect it with fervency.A Seeker is a titan among men.I will never treat my readers as anything less than priceless treasure. I am but a humble craftsman, and I can think of no greater honor than having someone use their hard-earned money and precious time to read my work.There will be honor and integrity.As an author, I understand that my actions and conduct both reflect upon my audience and carry a degree of influence with them. I swear to adhere to a standard of morally just and righteous behavior which embraces the virtues of integrity, truthfulness, hope, and courage while encouraging others to do the same.Forward and beyond.I will always push myself to improve and consistently produce stories which meet the standards of my readers if not surpass them. I will never publish anything I don't consider my very best work at the time of publication.
Young Monarchs: Last War of the Eight Kingdoms
YOUNG MONARCHS: LAST WAR OF THE EIGHT KINGDOMS is an epic adult high fantasy novel centered around the adventures of eight royal heirs who band together to prevent an all-out war following an insane week-long bender on mushrooms. Set in the vibrant world of All-Earth, where arcane forces and technological wonders clash relentlessly for dominion of the planet, every page is alive and searing with destruction, intrigue, vice, and glory.
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B.S. Warren makes a number of appearances online as well as in person.
Big Lick Comic Con, Roanoke VA (February 1-2 2025)Virginia Beach Anime-Fest, Virginia Beach VA (April 5th, 2025)Big Lick Comic Con NOVA, Chantilly VA (May 31st - June 1st 2025)Nevermore, Tybee Island GA (October 18th, 2025)
B.S. Warren interacts with a number of authors, artists, content creators, and business professionals.
Please consider supporting them and their work as well.